Thursday, January 22, 2009

Thursday Thirteen

so, I'm trying to be a better blogger, whatever that means, :) And I figure it won't hurt to jump on the meme bandwagon. So here's my first go at a Thursday Thirteen. What shall I write 13 things about? How about 13 things I(we) do to save money?

1. I use The Grocery Game to stock up on sale items that my family loves.
2. I use lots and lots of coupons, for everything.
3. This year, we are trying to make it through the months of Jan & Feb w/out using our heat (it is South Florida, after all.)
4. I am diligent about combining errands to limit gas usage in my van. When you live in the semi-boonies like we do, you don't think anything of driving 20 miles to shop or visit the doctor.
5. We don't eat out more than once or twice a month (considering we used to eat out 2 or 3 times a week, we are really saving right there.)
6. I buy kid-type gifts when they are on clearance and keep them in my closet for birthdays that come around during the year.
7. Live by the motto: Use it up, wear it out, make it do or do without.
8. Switched to lower watt light bulbs.
9. Keep the temperature on the thermostat at 78 degrees during the summer and keep the curtains drawn during the hottest part of the day.
10. Buy in bulk if that is the cheapest way to purchase a consumable good.
11. Eat healthier! Less process foods, more fruit (but only fruit in season, it's cheaper.)
12. Visit Starbucks A LOT LESS OFTEN and when I go, get a regular coffee instead of my yummy froufrou drinks (better for my waistline, too!)
13. And most importantly, keep my dh out of the electronics store! :) J/k, sort of! Hey, honey, did you hear Circuit City is liquidating? Can I have a new laptop? How about an I-Pod Touch?

Get the Thursday Thirteen code here!


  1. Hmm. You've got some good suggestions. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Good list! I am trying to do many of the same, but I don't have the ability to turn off the heat in our 20 degree weather!

  3. Welcome to TT!

    I used to buy kid-gifts and hide them in the closet for my kids, but they started finding them and taking them out.

  4. Great list and your blog looks great too. I'm visiting from SL forums!

  5. Good list! I am bad about not using coupons. I hate to keep up with them.

  6. I need to try some of these....

  7. Great suggestions. I think we are all tightening our purse strings right now. Happy T13!

  8. Starbucks is a good one - and I tell myself the waist stuff too :)

  9. The clearance pages at a lot of online retailers are great money-savers, too... as long as you stick to just those things you intended to buy anyway, that is.

  10. Good money saving tips! I have to keep my hubby out of the electronics stores too. And out of the sporting goods stores. And the video games stores. LOL. Of course to be fair, he has to keep me out of the book stores and the craft stores. I have two skein a day yarn habit. LOL.

    Happy T13! Look forward to more lists from you.

  11. Great list! Out here on our 40 acres of desert scrub we are both money and environment conscious. #7 is my favorite!
    TT # 23 Thorni is SFR!

  12. Excellent ideas for saving money ... thanks for sharing your tips and welcome to T-13ing ;--)
    Hugs and blessings,
