It all started with paying the bills, you gotta do that at least once a month, right? We like lights and telephones and all, you know.
So then the next thing was scheduling the Minuscule Pupster, aka Minnie for surgery. Shhhhh, we don't want her to hear. You know? THAT surgery, uh huh, the one that ensures no other minuscule dogs will be entering our lives. Cause, while she's cute (picture evidence provided)
Then, I gather the troops and we head off to the pet store to purchase her new collar. I'm sure she'll be thrilled once we strap that baby on her.
So then it's off to shop for shoes for the older daughter. Let's just say, that was fun, NOT! And a hair cut for Jacob. He seriously needed that. Then off to Costco. Let's just say I very nearly quit breathing at the check out. Oh, my. Not that we didn't need it, but we've been living on bare bones for so long, sigh, that amount was a real shocker. Then I headed off to Albertson's to grab a few things that were amazing deals, like the ribs that were buy 1 get 2 free. I'm sure that they were marked up some, but still a great deal. Now my freezers and fridges are full for the first time in a very long time. So, I spent a boatload of money today and I'm good with that.