Thursday, January 10, 2008

The Never-ending Homeschool Day...

My dc are perfect, really they are, they must be. We homeschool, you know. Okay, they're not. And today was proof. We started out late because I slept in. Ha, who am I kidding, I sleep in most days, today was actually earlier than many, 9am. We are all night owls here. So, I got everyone up and moving around and getting dressed and eating and doing their chores, etc... And around noon we started. And by "we started" I mean the attitudes came out and the fidgeting began and the "I'm not the parent but I'm gonna tell you what to do anyway" started and the interrupting the person reading to tell mom about something that had nothing to do with lesson and the kicking brother/sister/cousin/dog under the table and the poking and the making faces. ARGH!!!!! This is what happens when you take a month off... We've only done school one other day this week so far, so Saturday and Sunday might be school days (In between the football games!

After a while, a looooong while, everyone finally took me seriously and we finally finished up (well, as much as I had the energy to do) around 6pm. That's really only 6ish hours but it was all the drama. I hate Drama!!!! So now I wonder if there is some netflix movie dh has been holding out

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