Thursday, October 30, 2008

I was TAGGED! and of course I only take forever to play :)

I was tagged by my friend Wendy over at Wendy's Homeschool Antics

The rules:

  • Put a link to the person who tagged you.
  • Mention the rules on your blog.
  • Tell 6 quirky things about yourself.
  • Tag 6 following bloggers by linking them.
  • Leave each of them a comment letting them know they've been tagged.

1) I'm a serious night owl. Sometimes I have to stay up all night and day, just to get myself to sleep at a normal time. I think the problem is that I have a 28 hour inner clock, instead of a 24 hour clock. So my body just doesn't get that it's supposed to go to sleep about 16 hours after waking up. It wants to stay up for 20 hours and sleep for 8. See the problem?

2) I talk a lot! If you call me, I'll stay on the phone for as long as you want. But it's extremely unlikely that *I* will call you. I'm paranoid of interrupting your day and I dread rejection. Seriously, I hate filling out credit applications, too. I just can't handle the rejection. If I won an Oscar, I'd be just like Sally Field, "You like me, you really like me." Of course, I probably wouldn't have shown up to accept because I'd be terrified that I'd lost.

3) I love chocolate, but don't care for chocolate cake all that much, unless there is ice cream to eat with it. One bite of cake with a bite of ice cream. No ice cream, then no thanks on the cake.

4) I can go all day without eating, but let the darkness fall, and I'm a ravenous maniac. I've really had to curb this to lose weight (60+ lbs gone since May 16th, woohoo) My favorite late night snack is tortilla chips with melted cheddar cheese dipped in salsa mixed with sour cream. Yeah, that's good stuff, lol.

5) I would like to get a tatoo and a nose ring, but dh has vetoed it every time. Eh, maybe one day.

6) I'm a die hard Jacksonville Jaguars fan. I rarely miss a game. Though I am going to miss this weeks game for my SIL's baby shower. I hope she appreciates this. She probably won't though. She's dismayed that my nephew seems to be enamored of football. I say send him to our house on Sundays, we'll take care of him and teach him all things football!

Okay, so those are six quirky things about me. That was hard! You have NO IDEA how hard, lol.

I have to tag 6 people...

Leslie, Amanda, Wendy, Kelly, Jes, and Kelly.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Nothing exciting really happens here.

That is why my poor blog is so lonely. I'm a terrible communicator. I don't write letters, maybe I'll remember to email you. If you're lucky, I'll give you a call. I just stink at communicating. Even just in every day life. Dh and I will often get into a little tiff because one or the other of us will insist we told the other something and, either we were too busy preoccupied with something else to hear or we had the conversation in our head. We're strange, I guess.

So now we have Google Calendars. I put something on my calender, it shows up on dh's and vice versa. Forget having the family calendar on the side of the fridge. Tried that, didn't work, lol. Dh can access his calendar from his phone, too. That way he can check what's going on each day while he's at work. That's important when you have three dc playing three different sports!

Check out some more Works For Me Wednesday posts at Rocks in My Dryer