As I went about my room, doing whatever I was doing, the news interrupted the normal broadcast and announced something had caused an explosion at the World Trade Center. All cameras available were trained on the towers. This got my attention and I sat down to watch and see what was going on just as the second plane struck. SURREAL. That describes the feeling at the time. I just couldn't even focus on anything else.
The changes in our society since that time have seemed so many and, yet, so few. Some of those changes have been in our interpersonal relationships. I see and hear of so many people who live there lives based on fear and use that day as one example of why they should. What a sad existence that must be. This morning, I remember 9/11/01 and all of the people who were lost that day, by loving my family and friends and celebrating the life we have. I can't imagine that those who no longer can do that would want anything less than that.