Monday, May 31, 2010

Happy Memorial Day!

We are having a quiet day here at home, eating hamburgers and watermelon. But we are very aware that we have many men and women to whom we owe our gratitude for sacrificing daily to help make the United States of America into the greatest country in the world (at least in my opinion). So, many thanks to all of you, soldiers and your families, from the past to the present for the freedoms your sacrifices have made available to each and every one of us.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

What I'm doing...cuz you've been on pins and needles, right?

My life lately seems like a bunch of appointments, :)

I don't mind, but it's sure a good thing we home school. I honestly don't know how folks with children in school (public or private) manage all the dentist, doctor, orthodontist, etc... appointments. Yesterday, all three children had their cleanings. Good news not a cavity amongst them. Yay! This was Emma's last cleaning before she gets her first phase of braces on. (yes, I said first phase. Like Raina, she'll probably have to have braces again as a teen, but hopefully a first phase will reduce the amount of movement and pain the second phase brings) It was Raina's first time without her braces. She said it hurt more because they could really get in there and get to everything. LOL. I told her to floss more.

Today, we visit the orthodontist for a followup on Raina's teeth to see how they are doing out of braces and a regular check for Jacob. I sure hope he's been wearing his bands enough. I think I'm helping orthodontist buy his yacht.

On top of those, I have physical therapy three times a week. It's great, because I need to strengthen my core muscles. I spent two weeks flat on my back, it was horrible. I don't ever want to do that again.

I'm still waiting to hear about the presidency for the girls' softball league. I hope to hear ASAP so that we can start getting the word out. School is out at the end of May and we need to get the flyers in the schools before then. Off to the orthodontist then...catch ya later.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Today is the National Day of Prayer

Please, take the time to spend some time in prayer, whatever your beliefs and whatever your nationality and pray for the leaders of your country. Today, we pray in the US for our President, Vice-President, Senate and Congress and for our state officials.