I'm really impressed with ds' coaching staff this year. Let me say, they are awesome! I know it's only little league, but just ask some of the big names in the pros where it started for them and they'll say in little league. Now, I'm not under any crazy ideas that my ds
will play football in the pros, it could happen, but the numbers aren't all that great in his favor. But a college scholarship, certainly, Maybe a full ride, but at least a partial one based on sports. He's pretty dern smart, too. FTR, anyways ;)
Last year was his first year and he had a pretty good coach and his team went on to win the super bowl in the division. Pretty good stuff. Exciting, and all. We'd love a repeat this year, but we'll be okay if it doesn't happen. What we're really thrilled about is the chance to play under this coaching staff. One of the coaches is actually a coach on the high school team. He loves to coach these guys and he's dedicated. The boys really respond to him. And Jacob is blossoming. The down side is the time commitment. Egads!
This week, 4 days will be have a portion of them spent on football. And that's just a start. Oh, did I mention Emma is cheering? Yeah, for a team NOT ours, ewww. LOL and then Raina has softball starting up in a couple of weeks. I think we've lost our minds. I never thought I'd be this sports mom. But I'm really loving it, strangely enough.
So tell me, who else is a bit nutty with kids in multiple sports? Please, I can't be alone????